Love Stories

Mickey & Summer


Mickey: I was just clueless. And then I was shown a Vanna K ring. Bingo.

Summer: This was all supposed to be just a shopping visit because our favorite jewelry place had just gotten in some new pieces from a line I collect. My usual sales lady took me up in the elevator to the second floor showroom. (laughs) And then it started to get weird!

Mickey: And behind her the elevator opened a second time and off came her three puppies!

Summer: And they had tags around their necks…one read, “Will you”, a second said, “Marry” and the third read, ”Me!” And when you turn the cards over they – put together – read, “She said yes”!

Mickey: She was totally surprised! She turned around and when she looked back at me I was down on one knee.

Summer: And I don’t remember anything after that!

Mickey: She wanted to remember this for the rest of her life. We were able to give that to her.

Summer: The best ring I’ve ever seen! He did a wonderful job!



Steven & Mary Beth


Steven: I went ring shopping by myself, first.

Mary Beth: I was very surprised!

Steven: She is a huge softball fan. In fact, she coaches a team!

Mary Beth: You can’t believe what he did. He hollowed out a real softball so that the ring box fit snuggly inside it.
Steven: I got all dressed up in an umpire outfit to the point where, from a distance, she didn’t even recognize me, especially with the mask on. To start the game, I walked the ball to the mound where Mary Beth was sharing final thoughts with her pitcher. Halfway there I pulled the mask off, and you should have seen the look of surprise on her face! Me, an umpire???

Mary Beth: He was so nervous that when he went to one knee, all he could think of was, “Well…will you?” I said, “Yes, I will!”

Steven: And the ring fit!

Mary Beth: It’s so beautiful!



Zack & Taylor


Zack: I was real nervous at the idea of picking out an engagement ring, but as soon as I was shown the Vanna K display, I could see this wasn’t going to be a problem.

Taylor: I had no idea!

Zack: She had brought up the idea of visiting a Christmas tree farm…

Taylor: There were Christmas trees everywhere. It was kind of chaotic.

Zack: I pretended to look a few over, but that’s not why I was there.

Taylor: We were poking around the trees when suddenly he turned and went to one knee. I didn’t get it at first.

Zack: And that’s when I popped the question!

Taylor: And I said, “Yes!” I hadn’t heard of “Vanna K” before but I can’t imagine a ring more beautiful than this. He did a really good job!



Brad & Lauren


Brad: I had just gotten back from a tour in Afghanistan and went looking for just the right ring to do what I’d been thinking about doing for most of the time I was over there.

Lauren: We have a favorite, nearly deserted island in Charleston harbor that we like to visit, especially on Sundays, and even though a light rain began to fall, Brad insisted we go do that. Who knew?

Brad: I had just the spot picked out – on one of the beaches that looks out on the new bridge – and when we got there I turned and went down on one knee.

Lauren: This seems like a made-up story, but just as he knelt in front of me there was a big clap of thunder – which made us both laugh – and then he asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes! And the ring! How did he know? Perfect! Gorgeous! We walked back in the rain but we didn’t care, we were so happy.



Grant & Brooke


Grant: We’d been dating a couple of years, and for me, the time just felt right. Brooke’s grandmother invited us along on a Caribbean cruise, so that gave me my “when” and my “where”.

Brooke: He came out of nowhere with this beautiful ring on one of those on-ship entertainment nights.

Grant: My Mom took the MC aside and got him in on it, and during one of those audience participation things he came over to our table and announced that I had something I wanted to ask Brooke.

Brooke: I STILL didn’t get it, but you could tell from the audience reaction that almost everyone else did.

Grant: Getting choked up as I went to one knee took me completely by surprise, so I can tell you this…it wasn’t a very manly, “Will you marry me?”

Brooke: (laughing) I thought I was going to lose him in mid-sentence so I jumped right in with, “Yes!”. The audience went wild. I’ll never forget it. And the ring was perfect!



Drew & Meagan


Drew: Right after World War II Meagan’s grandparents built a home in a new neighborhood right next to a park. 65 years and two generations later the city decided to double the size of the park and bought everybody out and tore all the houses down to do it.

Meagan: A lot of real family history happened there.

Drew; I could tell Meagan felt deeply about this spot where the house had been and decided that when it was time, that’s where I was going to ask her to marry me.

Meagan: It seemed like just another Sunday. We always go to lunch after church but this time Drew pulled into the new section of the park. I didn’t think much of it until he pulled up to where Granny’s house had been and asked me to get out of the car.

Drew: We walked over to a fully grown tree her grandfather had planted before 1950. Talk about real history here! I went down on one knee and of course she suddenly “got it”.

Meagan: Really? It’s all a blur. I just remember gasping at the sight of a small box and the most beautiful ring I’d ever seen. He really nailed it. And to pick this place on top of everything else! What a memory. What a great memory!



Dear Vanna K;


I was engaged with a simple round solitaire ring and wore it proudly for 10 years. Our 10th anniversary is this Spring and my gift was a new home for my solitaire diamond. I searched every jewelry store and only one ring took my breath away and looked beyond fabulous on my hand. I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to wear one of your designs.

I will cherish it forever and I don’t foresee a day when I’ll stop looking down at my hand in admiration!

Ann Marie D.